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There are NO Coincidences, only God Incidents

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. 29 For whom He foreknew,

He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren." ~ Romans 8:29 NKJV

My Daily Bread ~ Snippets showing how God provides for all my needs and wants. Witness how He lines things up sometimes well in advance and sometimes instantly! Thank You Lord.

01 The Wooden Crate Table - 09.17.2016

I decided to make my own coffee table and saw this great design all made with wooden crates!  Fantastic I thought.  Being tired of spending money on new items, I figured why not upcycle and recycle things.  So I went on the hunt for used crates.  Thinking it would've been easy, to my surprise, it was the most difficult thing to find!  I hunted all day for 2 days calling farmers and wineries and yet nothing.  I felt the Holy Spirit nudge me to call a friend to ask where I can get the crates from and she said, "I have some crates."  In disbelief, I said, "No you don't understand, I need wooden crates."  She replied, "I have 2 wooden crates I'm looking at right now."  I couldn't believe it! To prove it to me, she took a picture, sent it to me and my jaw dropped!  They were the exact crates!  Then I said, "Oh no wait a minute, I need 4 of them."  Then she said, "I have exactly 4.  I was just about to throw them away.  They're new and I bought them to make something for my daughter, but she didn't like the idea.  They've been sitting here for over a year."  Are you kidding me, I thought!  Look at God! From complete and utter frustration to total satisfaction.  God didn't stop there.  When I went to get the crates, her husband was home.   He organized the crates and said, "Is this how you were going to put them together?"  My jaw hit the floor because he had the exact design.  Then he said, "I'll assemble it for you and in less than 10 minutes, my coffee table was assembled!  I mean, are you serious!  This is no coincidence, it's a God incident!  God will do it every time!  Thank You Lord.


02 Kitchen Renovation - 10.13.2016

I went to buy a cell phone case and while waiting for service, a nice man approached me and started talking.  We joked, had a few good laughs, he suggested the case he liked and then gave me his business card.  His business is kitchen renovations.  I thought of getting rid of his card because I didn't have a renovation in my mind.  Nevertheless, I kept his card.  Thank God I did because about a month later I had major water damage that affected my kitchen and now was in need of a major kitchen renovation!  This is no coincidence, it's a God incident!


03 Building Supplies - 10.16.2016

Today my contractor called to tell me he has some free building supplies for my home project.  Talk about being excited!  He gave me the exact paint I wanted.  Ok maybe it's a bit lighter than I wanted, but the beauty is, I have a small tin of black paint I can blend with it to darken it.  He also has some extremely pricey lumber and now sheetrock!  Tell me this isn't a blessing. He has most of the supplies I need.  They were leftovers from previous projects.  This is no coincidence, it's a God incident!  Look at God!  He'll do it each and every time if you trust and believe and I tell you the truth, He does it even when people don't trust nor believe that He'll deliver!  Glory be to God Amen!


04 The Call - 10.25.2016

So I've been in a bit of a funk.  You know, the "downs" sorta feeling for a few days now.  I've been trying to shake it, but for some reason, it's lingering.  So today, when I struggled to get out the bed, I got a phone call.  A beautiful and precious, not to mention a powerful woman of God - a prophet, was on the other end!  She called just to ask how I was doing. Look at God!  I was and have been totally depressed for about a week now and no matter what I tried, it wouldn't leave.  So she called, spoke words of encouragement and said one of the most powerful soul shaking, body moving, kind of prayer for me.  I felt it in every part of my being!  Glory to God!  Just what I needed. Why'd she call?  Some would say it was just a coincidence, but I say and I know, it was a God incident!  Thank you God for You are so more than worthy to be praised and thank you to my precious friend for her continued obedience for listening to the Lord.



05 Right On Time - 11.03.2016

Please tell me why I slept through my alarm clock this morning?  Yes, that's right, this morning I had to get up for work and I slept so nice and cozy, right through the sound of my alarm!  Let me just make the announcement that I'm super duper exhausted!  I really didn't think so until I set 2 alarms and slept through both!  Yeah, who does that! Oh, I know, the person who's up by 5:30am, works a full day, helps with the home renovation, is the shuttle to the "store", helps mom get her stuff situated, helps fill in at work again in the evening, listens to her contractors suffering relationship, drops her cousin to the store, plans to pick up dad from the airport, oh and shall I continue.  I'll stop there.  I think you get the point, but before I truly stop let's not forget, I gotta post my blessings from the Lord and things like this that I'm typing right before bed at 11:28pm.  Yup.  Anyhow, never mind that, look at how God works.  Suddenly, I jumped outta my sleep like a scared kitty 15 minutes after the time I was supposed to sign in!  Today was a work-from-home day, so I only needed to log in.  Thank God my start time isn't until 1 hour after I log on so in essence, I still had 45 minutes before the actual start time.  Smh, I'm telling you, I know without a shadow of a doubt that God was all in that.  This morning, He played the role of my alarm clock!  Goodness, thank God I didn't have a heart attack because I sure did jump up like a person who just saw a ghost!


06 The Ladder - 11.03.2016

Today, my contractor went up on the roof  to fill in one single shingle that blew off a little while ago.  We rented a ladder because the one I have is not tall enough to get to the roof.  Anyhow, as he climbed up and almost made it to the top, he started to tumble down!  My word!  It turns out the ladder was faulty and as a result, he almost cracked his cranium wide open on my concrete steps!  Can you just imagine?  Thank God, somehow, he got a grip onto the ladder, broke his fall and was ok.  He didn't collide with the pavement!  I'm convinced  his guardian angels were around.  I think they caught him and helped him to grab a hold of the ladder midfall.  What a travesty that would've been.  No one can tell me that God wasn't all in that!  Thank you, sweet Jesus, for always watching over me and those around me.

07 Five Percent: A Lost Opportunity - 11.05.2016

Today while in my dentist office I began speaking with a young man who insisted on speaking with me.  As much as I tried to avoid eye contact, hold my head down and just act as if he wasn't there, somehow he weaseled his way into having a conversation with me. We had idle talk for about a minute and then we got to the meaty stuff.  He asked me why I was there and I told him.  He said "Well your teeth look nice," and I told him I don't think so, especially when I smile all the time.  He asked, "Why do you smile all the time?"  I said, "Because I'm happy."  Then he said, quite aggressively, "What are you so happy about?"  WHAT?!?!?!  He caught me off guard and I was a little taken aback.  I really wasn't expecting that at all.  I mean, who says that to a total stranger?  Most people would've said something like, "Oh that's so nice."  Nevertheless, that's not what was important.  What mattered the most is how I replied and how fast.  So just as fast as he said it, that's as fast as I replied, "Because God loves me!"  "Wow," he said.  "Ah man, that's deep.  Ok, ok I got it.  That's right God loves you.  I hear that" he finished off with.  He spoke to me some more and asked which church I  attend; "I'd like for you to take me to church with you" he said.  I asked if he's Christian and he said, "Absolutely not!  I'm just spiritual and church is in his mind."  He doesn't have to go to church, he said.  So I spoke to him about having balance and then he made the statement about church.  That's when I told him that balancing going to church and having church within is what he should be striving for, not tipping the pendulum to one side,  just church within self.  He nodded in agreement.  I felt the Holy Spirit all in the conversation.  Remember when I said I asked him if he's Christian and he said no?  Well that's when he told me he is of no religious affiliation and that he follows a culture.  As soon as he said that I knew exactly what culture and it is one they call 5%.  Yup, a whole long story for another time, but it is real.  I promise I'm not making this stuff up.  So I felt the Lord nudge me to say, "Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior," but for some reason, I didn't.  I didn't have much time to even say it after I didn't spew it out immediately.  By the time I thought to myself that I'm waiting for the right moment, he was called in to see the dentist.  Urgh, I thought. What did I do?  How could I have let that moment pass me by?  That was a missed opportunity to win yet another soul to Christ.  I'm almost certain this guy has heard of Christ, as I'm familiar with the Five Percent Nation followers. How crafty was the devil to have them call him in before I got my mouth open.  How sad it was that I didn't jump at the opportunity when I was nudged.  There's a major lesson to be learned here, something I already know, that God is always the 1st thought and everything after that opposes the 1st thought, is not of God!  I know better and I should've acted fast, but I didn't.  This is a lesson to help me sharpen my skills on being about my Father's business and not my own.  Finally, notice the deception in his talk.  He asked me more than once to take him to church with me, yet in the final breath, he said he doesn't go to church because his body is his church.  That was just a ploy to remain in contact with me. Shaking my head right now.  Just a little insight, the 5 percenters believe Christ was "just" a man, a mere prophet.  They believe they themselves are gods! Such blasphemy!  Lies they tell! 



Trump, America's New Leader - 11.09.2016

Excited?  Probably.  Shocked?  Probably.  Upset?  Probably.  Indifferent? Probably.  USA citizen?  Probably.  Non-citizen?  Probably.   Regardless of which category you fall into, one of the above describes you!  It was such a somber day.  As I drove along the highway to my meeting, I noticed a sort of heaviness that prevailed.  A typical New York, metro/suburbia day is definitely not a honk free day, but a honk for all day.  I drove freely.  I felt as if I were on a racetrack by myself and why, because  I was speeding to keep up with the regular NY speed mongers only to realize that no one was speeding except me!  Hold on, what exactly is happening I thought to myself.  Why is there no honking and why is there no speeding.  I mean, don't get me wrong, speeding and reckless honking isn't becoming, but it's the norm for NY.  Automatically I knew, it was the sadness of the people because Donald Trump is the president-elect!  So why wasn't I troubled?  Why was I carrying on like any other regular day?  Why wasn't my heart heavy and why wasn't I in a somber mood?  For me it is simple; I trust God.  Period point blank!  I understand as much as the Lord has allowed me to understand biblically.  Prophecy must be fulfilled and God is still and will remain on the throne.  Knowing all of this is what gave me and continues to give me comfort.  My heart is not troubled because I know the Lord is in total control.  He appoints.  He changes the minds and hearts of kings.  Therefore, if this is so then we should be confident in the fact that everything that happened, happened with God's full awareness.  So my brethrens, let not your hearts be troubled.  Our Abba Father was, is and will always be in complete and utter control.  Blessings and love. 



One Way, Wrong Way- 02.01.2017

Truly there are no coincidences.  If people would just stop and look into all situations and analyze the things that happen, they would realize that all the things that transpire are well-orchestrated happenings by God.  Those happenings aren't just random acts.  When leaving a colleagues hotel, I started driving home and turned onto a street that I thought looked a bit weird.  No sign was displayed that said one way, but for some reason, I felt the street looked odd.  Pitch black with only my car on the road, I proceeded to drive.  Within about 30 seconds of me driving, I saw 2 cars driving towards me.  Suddenly one flashed their lights at me.  With the blinding lights from the SUV coming toward me, I couldn't tell who it was. Once the car approached me, they turned on a flood light and shone it in my car.  Suddenly I noticed it was a police officer!  I rolled down my window and the officer said, "Are you trying to get yourself killed?  You're going down a one way!"  I said, "Oh my goodness, I didn't realize.  I didn't see any signs.  I thought the road looked strange."  He the told me to turn around and go the other way before I get myself killed. The other car behind him started to flash their lights.  I thought to myself, are you kidding me, you're flashing at an officer!  That definitely wasn't a coincidence.  How it just happened that as soon as I turned onto the road late at night, an officer just happened to be the first person I see on the same road.  Yeah, that's definitely God having His angels surround me.  They are always strategically placed on assignment to assure that His people are protected.  The officer told me I could've been hit head on!  That means that particular road had to have a pretty fast speed limit. Thank you sweet Jesus for you always save me. He'll save you too if only you would ask Him too.  Blessings and love.



Is There a Dentist in the House - 02.07.2017

So I chipped my filling a few months back and my dentist told me to come in and have it done, but of course life happened and I never managed to go back.  Now, as it was before, occasionally when I eat, my tooth hurts.  So now I'm away from home and away from my dentist, who might I add, has retired and I have to take care of this tooth!!  Oh my goodness.  So I asked a colleague to recommend a dentist and she told me about her dentist but warned me that he is pretty expensive.  My insurance isn't the best out-of-state so of course I'm trying to find the best price quality dentist.  I made an appointment for the 17th or March.  Well long story short, I spoke to an associate of mine and mentioned that I have to get my tooth fixed and she told me her sister-in-law is a dentist!  WHAT!?  Oh my good God, how awesome is that?!  God truly takes care of us.  So do you think that's just a coincidence?  Well if you do, I'm here to say, it is not.  That is the wonderful workings of God Almighty.  Thank you sweet Jesus, God Almighty and Holy Spirit for you always save me.  Blessings and love.


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