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Mind, Body & Soul

"Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?  For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s."   ~ 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NKJV 

YES, health is extremely important to God.  God wants His children to be the best they can be in all areas of life and that definitely includes our health!  On this page, you'll find various health related topics to help you become a better you!  Enjoy. ~ Blessings and Love ~ SophieBella3

DISCLAIMER: I'm not paid to endorse anything on this site.  I've chosen sites and topics according to the leading of the Holy Spirit. 

October 29, 2016

Dental Hygeine: How to Brush your teeth.

A simple thing like brushing properly can result in better overall health.  Did you know that certain bacteria, if left unchecked, can result in serious health conditions?  Watch the brief video (4:53min) and check out the link provided for further details on frequently asked and wondered about questions.  I think you'll find the website quite useful.  Blessings and love. ~ SophieBella3

October 29, 2016

How Important Are Your Eyes

Most people don't think getting a routine eye exam is essential, but that's the furthest thing from the truth.  Your eyes can tell you various things about your overall health and of course your eye's health.  Have you ever wondered what in the world the doctor is doing to your eyes when you go and have your eye exam?  Well wonder no more!  Watch this 9:44 min video to learn more about what actually goes into an eye exam. Please keep in mind that this is not 100% complete as there are some things that have been left out for the sake of time.  Enjoy!  Blessings and love. ~ SophieBella3

October 29, 2016

Get a Good Nights Rest

You know how cranky you can get when you don't get a good nights sleep. Poor rest causes so many issues.  According to the CDC, "Insufficient sleep is associated with a number of chronic diseases and conditions..." One main adverse effect of insufficient sleep is the dreaded weight gain! So ladies, let's get it right! One reason for insufficient sleep is due to tossing and turning throughout the night.  Poor sleep posture is one reason for tossing and turning all night.  In this video (6:00), you'll see a demonstration of proper sleeping positions. Blessings and love. ~SophieBella3

October 30, 2016

Your Feet Matter

Your feet take a beating daily.  They carry all the weight of your body and are often always on the move.  While the rest of your body can remain still, your feet keep it moving.  So why not pay extra attention to what happens to them.  Watch the brief (6min) video that discusses a few main things to look out for and the warning signs associated with the possible issues.  Blessings and love. ~ SophieBella3

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