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  • SophieBella3

Just Breathe

Tid bits focuses on the little things God blesses us with. You know, those tiny things that happen to us and makes us all warm and happy inside. Tid Bits is here to draw attention to the many things most people seem to disregard as a blessing. So this morning I thought to myself, Hum, I'd like to post a Tid Bit, but I haven't thought of any "little" thing God's supplied me with, to mention. Don't get me wrong, everything God supplies me with, I see as a blessing. However, I try to target those itsy bitsy things that we probably overlook. So anyhow, as I sat at my desk wondering what I can post, I felt the Holy Spirit nudge me and say, "You're breathing." WOW!!! So true. Of, how simple, yet absolutely necessary and so easy to overlook. The mere fact that God woke me up this morning and gave me breath, is enough for me to be thankful for. Despite the happenings in life and all the turmoil that clutters the mind, I must stop and say, "If I'm still breathing, then God's still working on 'MY best that's yet to come'." So darlings, the next time you scramble to find that "little" blessing to praise God for, just breathe and praise Him for your breathe. Blessings and love.

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