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  • SophieBella3

Paint Putrid!

Another tid bit from above. God is truly amazing! I don't think many people realize all the blessings the Lord bestows upon them. Sometimes I think many overlook their blessings because God is always giving us things, even when we're not asking. He is such a good good Father. Amen. So there I was, again, in my favorite home improvement store and experienced yet, another blessing. Ok, so by now I know you all figured out that I must be doing some sort of renovation. Gosh, I've been renovating for quite some time now! Urgh... and then I sigh. Anyhow, so I bought this premixed paint and when my contractor painted the bathroom wall, I felt sick! I was completely nauseated! I mean, vomit, vomit, and more vomit if I could've! For heaven and earth, it was the same exact color as the hallway on the 1st floor of the house! I mean, really, who does that!?!?!? Ok I said, no this can't be so. There's no way in the good Lord's world I could've chosen the exact same color as the 1st floor! I mean, are you kidding me, I thought. So I looked again, blinked a trillion times each time looking at the color and then accepted the fact that yup, I actually chose the same stupid color! Smh right now. Alright, so you know what that meant, more money!!! I'd have to pay to get a whole thing of paint again and I have to pay my contractor more money! Well it's either find more money or really, DI-myself! So I ran out to that store; you know, the one where just about everyone goes to when buying home repair and modeling stuff. I ran to the paint department and told the girl there that this color is just, oh so wrong. She looked at me twice and asked what happened. Well, I mean, she's so used to seeing me it's pathetic. She's been seeing me now for almost a year solid! I mean, at least 2x/week and sometimes 5x/day! Yeah, I know, who does that! So anyway, I asked if she could just add some darker paint to my almost empty can of paint and make it a better color. She looked at me, looked at her formulary and then said, "You know what, just show me the color you want and I'll just give it to you as an even exchange." Huh?? I said really? You know this is special order, right? She said, "Yes, but I know you always come here and you never return any of the paint stuff." Then she even went as far as giving me a more expensive type, Satin instead of Flat, and said, "Just tell the guy at the desk to give it to you at the same price." Favor, favor, favor galore! Yes indeedie, if that ain't God then I don't know what it is! My word, look at God, all in the business of savings. Blessings and love. ~SophieBella3

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